Security Awareness

Malware Protection

Phishing/Malware Protection

phishing/malware protection

Phishing is an attempt by an individual or group to solicit personal information from unsuspecting users by employing social engineering techniques. Phishing emails are crafted to appear as if they have been sent from a legitimate organization or known individual. These emails often attempt to entice users to click on a link that will take the user to a fraudulent website that appears legitimate. The user then may be asked to provide personal information, such as account usernames and passwords, which can further expose them to future compromises. Additionally, these fraudulent websites may contain malicious code, which may lead to visiting a bogus website or calling a premium rate number.


protect yourself from phishing


  • Be cautious about opening any attachments or downloading files you receive regardless of who sent them
  • Look for sender email ID before you enter/give away any personal information
  • Use antivirus, antispyware and firewall software (upgrade them regularly too)
  • Always update your web browser and enable phishing filter


  • Reply to an email pop-up that asks for personal or financial information
  • Open email that you suspect may not be legitimate
  • Supply your password or sensitive information via email. Vi will never call or email you for your password.
  • Open suspicious videos or images on social networking sites


Click here for tips to secure your electronics from The Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY)

Click here for more details from CERT-in.​​​


login to Vi

to pay your utility bills (it's easier and secure)

Seems like you have entered an inactive number This Vi number is currently suspended This Vi number is currently in safe custody This Vi number is currently suspended due to SIM lost This Vi number is currently suspended. Please pay bill to activate the number Something went wrong. Please try after some time It seems that you are an enterprise customer. Proceed to business sign-in Please enter valid 10 digit number This looks like a non Vi number! Port to Vi You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please try after some time

OTP verification

Just to make sure its you, we've sent an OTP to your number ending with ****

Invalid OTP. You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please click on resend. Something went wrong. Please try after some time


resend OTP